Gets it Right ----
9 - 18 -02
Road Trips and New Cars
I hate going on long trips with my husband if I'm not
allowed to drive at least part of the way. I'll bet
that most men, like my husband, think they are the only
ones on the road who know how to drive. Of course, if
that were true, there would be practically no accidents
and cops would have no one to pull for speeding. Sure,
women get speeding tickets too, but it's only because
we're late to get somewhere. It's not because we enjoy
speeding, right ladies? And it was probably our husband's
fault that we were late in the first place. Anyway....
My husband will get angry at a driver he thinks is
an idiot. (This person hasn't necessarily done anything
to him yet. He's just not driving up to my husband's
standards.) He'll then go into a 10-minute monologue
about what he thinks this bad driver MIGHT do, starting
with the moment that he MAY cut us off in traffic, to
the scene where we drive off the lot in the new car
"that idiot" will be buying us. He always
seems to forget the part where we're all in the hospital
with broken bones and massive internal injuries. I guess
that would take the fun out of getting a new car.
Now don't get me wrong, my husband is a good driver,
we have a family, and he knows we have precious cargo.
I just hope my kids won't think that's a good way to
get a new car. I very calmly explain to them that Daddy
is having a moment, and that there is a driver ahead
that's not being a good boy. And, I say to them that
if I ever hear them repeat any of the words that Daddy
just said, they're dead meat. They roll their eyes.
I just smile and wink.
I don't think we have anything to worry about though.
They've never asked when the new car is going to arrive.
Until next time.....