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Editorial ----


The Bug Got Me and Other Stuff --


Some of you may already know this but, I'm going to go over it for everybody. Pay attention because this could be real important.

My computer got the KLEZ Virus through an email that was sent to me through the email address books of several Springers. In fact, I got so many at one time that I am not sure which one was the culprit. Nevertheless, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A VIRUS PROTECTION PROGRAM ON YOUR COMPUTER, GET ONE NOW and keep it updated!

This virus is extremely malicious! I can't emphasize that enough. Not only did I lose the entire contents of two hard drives but it rewrote the firmware for my CD Burner rendering it useless. I ended up having to buy another one after the hard drive was reconfigured. This cost a few hundred dollars all total.

This virus slows down your computer by using up your system resources which gives it time to jump ahead of you when you are trying to disable it or get rid of it. The first thing it did when it detected that I was trying to clean it off of the drive was to disable my CD drive to keep me from using my McAffee Anti-Virus software on it. Then I tried to change my BIOS (Basic In - Out System) to force it to boot to a CD so I could reformat my hard drive...It disabled my keyboard and mouse to keep me from navigating the BIOS directory. Clever little sucker, huh? Then I tried to go to Windows help so I could see what other options were available to me and it gave me a blank screen when I clicked on the help menu. Anyway, I had to take it to a professional with some hardware and software that is used just for this sort of thing.


I see many of you are burning up the message boards and having loads of fun at it. GREAT! Keep it up. Thanks to a certain young lady's fast work and emailing me before my big computer crash...I am soon to be, once again, the proud owner of a two-headed troll doll after a 25 year search. How about them potatoes?

Sept. 9th was the one year anniversary of the Springer Connection first going online , which is really a milestone. The first effort was okay for a novice but, compared to what Dan has done since he took over the webmaster duties it was pitiful. Pitiful or not, I'm glad I did it. I'm glad Dan jumped in and I'm glad it is working and people are joining. Thank you one and all for taking what could have been a silly idea and making it into something worthwhile.

- JA


Sound Off!

Your Two Cents

This is your chance to Fire Back on anything Jack had to say, especially if you think he is just a crybaby. Use the form below, or post to the Message Board.

If you don't feel like taking Jack down a peg or two, send us your feedback, what you like, what we can do better, and what just stinks. We will post the good ones on the Your Two Cents Page (minus the profanity, of course).





Donna Gets it Right!

Now that you have heard from our cuddly Teddy Bear, check out the wit and wisdom of Columnist Donna Jenkins Monnin >>>
Previous Rants

Anybody who wants to Know Jack Better can check out his earlier rants here:

Lighting up is getting harder in South Florida >>

Living with Yankee neighbors>>

Lauderdale, Attack Show Dogs and Beanie Baby Millionaires >>

Driver Insanity, Cabinets and Typhoid Mary >>

Clean Pot Holders and Shiny Tools >>

What time is Oprah on? >>

Pink Flamingoes are keeping me Awake >>

Don't Fish in Lightning Storms>>

I'm So Excited >>

Conspiracy Theory >>

Crying Towel >>

In With the New(year) >>

Blaming the Holidays >>