County School Cafeteria Hot Rolls (Yum!)
2 3/4 cup flour, divided
1 1/2 pkgs. dry yeast
4 teaspoons sugar
4 teaspoons dry milk
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon shortening
1 1/4 cup warm water
1/4 cup butter, melted
In large bowl, combine 2 1/2 cups flour, yeast, sugar,
dry milk, salt and shortening. Add warm water all
at once and stir for six minutes. Turn out onto surface
dusted with remaining flour. Knead until flour is
well blended, about 3 minutes. Place dough in smaller
greased bowl. Cover and set in warm place and let
rise until doubled, about 20 -30 minutes. Dip fingers
into melted butter and pinch dough into 12 rolls.
Place in greased 11x8 inch pan. Set in warm place
and let rise again until doubled. Bake in preheated
400 degree oven about 20 minutes. Remove from oven
and brush with melted butter. Makes one dozen rolls.
Special note: We have gotten this recipe before,
but the recipe would make enough rolls for an army
of school kids. One barrel of this, 40 cups of that,
etc. Thanks to Vicky Wright Covington, class of '74,
for this really good, really USABLE recipe.
Carneal's Cheeseburger
Makes One Cheeseburger
½ lb of lean ground beef
¼ onion diced 1 slice of American cheese
1 hamburger bun (large enough for a ½ lb patty)
1 tsp olive oil and 1 tsp butter
Take half of your diced onion and mix it thoroughly
with the ½ lb of ground beef and set the other half
aside. In a skillet (cast iron works great) heat your
tsp olive oil and cook your onion/burger patty taking
great pains in smashing it down as it cooks with your
spatula just like they did at Carneals.
In another skillet (any kind will do) melt your butter
and spread it around. Place your bun in this skillet
and heat it to your liking and press it down lightly
to slightly toast each side. Try not to flatten it.
When your burger is flat and done, place the rest
of your onions on top of the patty and lay your slice
of cheese on top of the onions allowing it to melt
enough to trap the onions on the patty. Place cooked
burger on bun and add mustard to Mr. Carneals liking
and chow down.
Special note: I never ate a hamburger with
mustard and onions anywhere but Carneals. I was a
lettuce and tomato person. Mr. Carneal just decided
that this was the way I should eat a cheeseburger
and served it to me this way. I liked it so much I
never changed my order the rest of the time I ever
ate there. Now if you must have yours differently,
adjust the recipe to taste. - JA
has you thirsting for the perfect refresher, mix up
a glass of this old-fashioned
limeade. Then sit back, close your eyes, and
sip slowly through a long straw. It'll take you back
to those awesome limeades
served up by the Center Pharmacy
in Highland Springs. Some things never change.
1 lime
1 Tablespoon superfine bar sugar
Seltzer water
Shaved ice
Mixing instructions:
Cut lime in half and squeeze both pieces into a tall
glass to get as much juice as possible Drop the lime
halves into the glass and sprinkle with the sugar. Mash
the sugar into the lime with a long-handled iced tea
spoon. Place a large scoop of shaved ice in the glass.
Add cold seltzer water to fill. Oooh! Ahhh...........
American Legion Brunswick Stew
BRUNSWICK STEW comes by way of the southeastern
Native-American dish succotash. This particular recipe
is good. However, it tastes best on Fourth of July
and on Labor Day cooked by a bunch of guys in envelope
shaped hats in a big iron cauldron under pine trees.
Be sure and place your cauldron near the "Win
a Goldfish" toss game!
3-3½ pound broiler-fryer chicken, cut up
2 cups water
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
Dash of ground red (cayenne) pepper
2- 16 ounce cans of whole tomatoes drained
1 pkg (10 ounces) of frozen corn or 1 can (17 ounces)
of whole corn undrained
1 pkg (10 ounces) of baby lima beans or 1 can (16 ounces)
of baby lima beans undrained
1 medium potato, cubed (about 1 cup)
1 medium onion, chopped (about ½ cup)
another ½ cup of water
2 tablespoons of all purpose flour
Place chicken, giblets, neck, 2 cups of water and the
salt into a 5 quart Dutch oven or pot. Heat to boiling;
reduce heat, cover. Simmer about 40 minutes or until
the juices of the chicken run clear.
Skim the fat from the broth. Remove the skin and the
bones (make sure you get them all). Return the chicken
to the broth . Stir in pepper, cayenne pepper, tomatoes,
corn, beans, potato and onion. Heat to boiling; reduce
heat. Simmer uncovered 45 minutes. Shake ½ cup
water and flour in a tightly covered container. Stir
into stew. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil
and stir 1 minute. 8 servings 390 calories per serving.
Spoon into cardboard containers. Eat, be merry and
win a goldfish! Then go listen to your Short Cross CD.