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CAF · E · TE · RIA

Function: noun
Etymology: American Spanish cafetería coffeehouse, from cafetera coffee maker, from French cafetière, from café
Date: 1894
Definition: A restaurant in which the customers serve themselves or are served at a counter and take the food to tables to eat.

So says the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Highland Springs Springers know better.

The Cafeteria at Highland Springs High School is not one of those weird, newfangled multipurpose Cafetoriums, where you might have your lunch one hour and have an Assembly the next. No, this place is made of stainless steel, ceramic tile, and had tables and chairs that are in the same place every day.

The ladies that prepare the food there are good at what they do, very good. Try putting together a couple thousand meals each day, working in that hot, steamy environment, and then genuinely smiling at the kids in the checkout line. These folks were really a part of our extended family, but most of us probably didn't feel that way.

We were more concerned with what was on the menu. Was it Pizza Day? Spaghetti? The dreaded Mystery Meat? Were they all out of Sealtest Ice Cream?

One thing we all agreed on: The fresh hot rolls were great. They had the perfect combination of yeast and airiness, and butter melted on them just right. Yum.

Cafeteria Menu:
Choose from the menu below to jump to another part of the Cafeteria
Alternative Lunchroom


Old-Fogey Fact:
In the 1960's, it was called Parker's Drive-In.

Now, nobody would admit to sneaking out of school and getting a Cheeseburger at Carneal's Drive-In, but there are a lot of guilty suspects out there.

Jack shares the recipe for Mr. Carneal's Cheeseburger on the Recipes Page >>

Denise Feldman (Reynolds), Class of '75, recalls the Limeade at the Center Pharmacy >>

Diane Fields (Grosz), Class of `79, gave us the recipe for those Cafeteria Fudgies. Don't forget the cold milk >>

The Highland Springs 4th of July Picnic Brunswick Stew recipe should be made in a big iron cauldron under pine trees>>

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If you have one of the Recipes for Springer delicacies, please share the wealth. Send them HERE and we will get them on the Recipes Page.