What I've Learned in Thirty
Years - -
.My 30-Year reunion is upon me. As of this
date it is exactly 3 weeks away. I'm starting to really
panic now. I keep looking in the mirror and even I can't
recognize myself anymore. Some of the people from the
Class of `73 have posted either current or somewhat
current pictures of themselves on the website in their
profiles. And for that I thank you. So, if you don't
put a current picture of yourself in your profile and
then people don't recognize you
well, what can
I say? You takes your chances.
I've been thinking about what I have learned over the
last thirty years since high school and made a short
list. Here goes:
- People DO change over the years. Some for the better
and some for the worse.
- Sometimes it's not the fact that someone wronged
you that makes you hold a grudge over the years. It
is the fact that they refuse to admit they wronged
you that you can't get over. At least that is the
way it is for me.
- Time and distance is a great healer of wounds.
- Rarely does anything turn out the way you expect
it to.
- You make your own happiness.
- If you think you can do all the physical things
you did when you were young
forget it! You can't,
no matter how good of a shape you have kept yourself
- Some friendships are everlasting and some relationships
will never last.
- Some of the most unlikely people will do the most
amazing things.
- Genetics are nearly impossible to overcome.
- The likelihood of you not getting something is directly
proportional to how much you want it. This is where
determination kicks in.
- If I had it to do all over again, I probably would
do it all over again and make the same mistakes.
- No matter how different we all are, we are pretty
much all alike.
- Kids rarely learn from their parents' mistakes.
They have to make their own mistakes to learn.
- It's important to reconnect with your roots because
that is what makes you who you are.
- If it makes you happy, do it. Happiness is in short
supply and should not be squandered.
Well, that's all for this month. Coming next, the post-Reunion