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This is a lovely place in which to live, it was a rural district until 1890 when Mr. Edmond Sewell Read saw the desirability of what Is now Highland Springs as a place for homemaking. He named this community Highland Springs because of its high elevation and the location of nearby Springs. Then Mr. Read began its development.

Realizing that it was perilous for the impressionable years of youth to pass without spiritual, moral or educational
culture, the first school was established in 1891. This one room school was soon outgrown, another was built. Today Highland Springs has two schools with 2000 pupils.

The spiritual life here has always been a major factor in the life of the community, with four growing churches - Methodist, Baptist, Episcopal and Catholic.

The Women's Club, originally the Women's Study Club, was organized in 1902, it is one of the oldest in the State. The Club has through the years contributed much to the cultural life of the community. The first community project of the Club was organizing a Boy Scout Troop. In 1913 two Girl Scout Troops were organized, these were the first in the State. The Club has from its beginning promoted philanthropic work.

The first Parent-Teacher Association here was organized by the Women's Club. A Citizenship Award is given each year to an outstanding student. The Club sends a girl student annually to Girl's State. A French War Orphan was adopted in the year 1917, following this a Chinese child was


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The Springer Connection thanks Vicky Wright Covington, HSHS Class of '74, for providing the Recipe book for this feature.

The book, "Favorite Highland Springs Recipes" was written and published in 1953 by the Highland Springs Women's Club as a fund raiser.

The book has a foreword about the history of Highland Springs, along with Recipes from some of the leading citizens of the town. The book is produced in typewriter text (recreated here) and has hand-drawn illustrations and advertisements for the local merchants that helped pay for its publication.

We have tried to faithfully recreate the imagery and feel of the book as it was printed 50 years ago. The recipes, page numbers and illustrations are presented as they were in the original book.

Disclaimer: The Springer Connection does not specifically endorse the recipes or illustrations presented here. If you should get heartburn from any of the recipes, or not agree with any of the depictions recreated, please call VERY long distance to the 1953 Highland Springs Women's Club.